Brown Girl Abroad: Kristen

Brown Girl Abroad: Kristen

I hope I can inspire young women to take advantage of the world and live color-rich, adventure-filled lives.

Brown Mom Abroad: American Mom in Jamaica

Brown Mom Abroad: American Mom in Jamaica

Honestly, to this day I love looking through my passport stamps. There are so many memories in such a small book.

Brown Mom Abroad: American Mom in Namibia

Brown Mom Abroad: American Mom in Namibia

I always say that ideally, I’d like to live in the States for six months out of the year, and spend the other half in either a Caribbean or African nation.

Brown Mom Abroad: An American Mom in Abu Dhabi

Brown Mom Abroad: An American Mom in Abu Dhabi

I met the beautiful and talented Dee in Abu Dhabi. I was turning 30 and thought it would be fun to have a professional doll up my face! We bonded over the love of our boys (husbands and sons) and stayed connected ever since. Dee is an International Celebrity Makeup Artist and Photographer. She was [...]

International Travel: 7 Tips for Flying with a Toddler

International Travel: 7 Tips for Flying with a Toddler